California Blues
“Music comes from the heart”

Billy Diamond
A jewel born in the Crescent City
still shines bright

Janiva Magness
Spencer Davis
Zac Harmon
Arthur Adams

Delta Groove
That little record company
that thinks it can

California Girls of the blues
Zola Moon
Sherry Pruitt
Lady G.G.
Teresa James

Dug Mug
Roger Connelly
Mark Tomorsky
Cadillac Zack
Tony Llorens
Rich Del Grosso
Chris Bell
Chuck Maithonis

Drum Solo:
Charlie Watts
Part Two

Central Avenue & More
History of Southern California
blues clubs

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A cure for the blues
six times a year.







Photo by Robert Jr Whitall

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on the road
Los Angeles
New York City

Sugar Mae
Blues Clubs